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So many B-town celebrities take to their social media handles to talk about topics ranging from fitness, wellness, to beauty. When it comes especially to vanity and beauty, the followers and fans of Sonam Kapoor are lucky, as she regularly shares tips on makeup, skincare, and beauty, on her Instagram page.
Sonam uses Instagram to post videos on all things beauty related, in a series called Vanity Vignettes. Recently, in episode number 7 of her series, she talked about her makeup cleansing routine.
Check out her post here:
Sonam said, “my routine for a makeup cleanse after a long day involves just 3 simple steps.”
Every night, Sonam does this routine to make her skin feel refreshed and ready for a good night’s sleep.
In this episode, she talks about eye makeup removal, which involves the following 3 steps:
Step 1: Make up remover
Sonam advises using an oil-based and waterproof makeup remover for your skin. In her case, she uses L’oreal’s Gentle cleanser. Ideally, the idea is to use a non-irritating formula that can gently and effectively remove waterproof eye makeup. The remover used by Sonam contains oils to dissolve makeup, and a lotion to remove traces of makeup. This dual effect helps refresh the skin. Remember to go for a makeup remover that is compatible with any eye conditions, and will not inflame the eyes of contact lens wearers.
Step 2: Cleansing balm
After using the makeup remover, she then advises her followers and fans to use a cleansing balm. Sonam uses the aromatic Sara Chapman’s cleansing balm Skinesis. A cleansing balm will help with cleansing away dirt, pollution, makeup, and sunscreen.
Step 3: Cleansing lotion
The final step involves using a cleansing lotion. This will ensure that your makeup is removed thoroughly without any traces, preventing your skin from the risk of breakouts and rashes as you go to sleep. Sonam uses Cetaphil cleansing lotion, to clean her eye makeup. A cleansing lotion will help to gently and comprehensively clean the makeup, without irritating the skin.
So ladies, check out Sonam’s post, and try her makeup cleansing routine for a good night’s sleep!
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