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Reduce plastic in your beauty routine with these eco-friendly brands that are also good for your skin and hair

We all want to become conscious about how our next beauty product purchase can be an eco-friendly choice. Here are 4 brands that can help with that.
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Don't let plastic dominate your dresser. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Ainee Nizami Published: 21 Apr 2020, 06:23 pm IST
  • 87

Zero-waste beauty is one of the biggest buzzwords in the industry right now, and rightly so. Considering the damage we have already caused to the environment, the least we can do is ensure that we don’t flood the sea with plastic each time we buy a jar of moisturiser or a reorder of our favourite shampoo.

If you are concerned about your carbon footprints too, here’s a handy guide on all the skin and hair care, and beauty brands available in India that promise zero plastic waste:

1. Bare Necessities
Bare Necessities prides itself of using only organic, fair trade and locally sourced ingredients that are not just great for you, but also for the planet.


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Their packaging is 100 % recyclable–all their products come to you either in glass jars or wrapped in paper. Just in case if you don’t know what to do with all those glass jars, you can return them and get a discount on your next purchase.

#MustTry: Check out their reusable makeup removal wipes that you can rinse out and reuse. 

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2. The Body Shop
The Body Shop uses community trade recycled plastic from Bengaluru for all its packaging. This has a two-fold effect–stopping plastic pollution and driving a social change.

How? The brand works with an organisation called Green Force which collects plastics from waste pickers in the city, and in turn, provides them with access to more sanitary working conditions, a fair price and respect and recognition. You can also return your bottles at their outlets where they promise to recycle it.

#MustTry: Their Ginger Anti-Dandruff shampoo not just has glowing reviews, but is made out of recycled plastic. 

3. Zao Organic Makeup
Zao is taking a step further in reducing plastic waste by completely eliminating it from its packaging. All of Zao’s organic makeup products come in jars made out of bamboo.

Plus the products also use ingredients from the plant, making bamboo the backbone of the brand, quite literally.

#MustTry: That makeup compact power sure will come in handy.

4. Soapworks India
Based in Gurgram, Soapworks India was started by Harini Sivakumar after she started making non-toxic products for her child and realised the need for it in the Indian market.

Soapworks offers a variety of personal care products all packaged in either tin or cardboard. You’ll get your deliveries wrapped in newspapers, instead of bubble wrap, and sealed using paper duct-tapes, making it 100 % plastic-free.  

#MustTry: The hair conditioner bars are a great option to reduce plastic bottle waste.

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About the Author

Ainee has 10 years of experience in finding and writing stories about lifestyle, health, and fitness. When she is not surfing the internet for stories that'll connect with women, you’ll find her reading a book and sipping chai. ...Read More

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