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Protect your skin from acne this summer with these simple skin care tips

If you have acne-prone skin, the summer season can add to your worries! Take care of your skin with these simple tips and steer clear of breakouts.
acne-prone skin
Listen up, ladies! Keep your skin clear of breakouts this summer. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Published: 28 May 2021, 04:11 pm IST
  • 126

The summer season is often marked by dermal troubles. From sunburns to redness, we’ve all been the victim of this season’s wrath. The problems get exacerbated particularly for those who have acne-prone skin.

Acne is caused when a hair follicle becomes clogged with excess sebum, an oil produced naturally by our skin to keep itself moisturised. When our skin is unable to clear itself of excess sebum, it often gets trapped in our skin pores. Eventually, it leads to acne. In the summers, our constant exposure to the sun and sweating often leave the skin at risk of breaking out.

How to treat acne-prone skin during the summers

If your skin is prone to acne, you need to keep these 5 things in mind to stay away from dermal issues this summer season:

1. Never avoid sunscreen

Acne causes skin irritation and at times, can also be painful. Exposure to the sun can make things worse by contributing to redness and inflammation. Acne-prone is sensitive and hence, needs to be protected. So, your sunscreen is your best friend this summer! Make sure you apply it each time you step out. Regularly using sunscreen can mitigate the effect of sun exposure and reduce the risk of irritation.

acne-prone skin
You need sunscreen even when you are indoor. Let’s settle this debate right away!
2. Wash your face twice a day

During the summers, we sweat more and are at an increased risk of breaking out. What’s more, being sweaty often leads to the accumulation of dust and dirt on our skin which adds to the risk of clogged pores. Hence, it is extremely important to keep your skin clean. Washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser or just water can go a long way in helping you avoid acne. At the same time, make sure you don’t go overboard with washing your face because that can cause dryness.

3. Moisturising is key

Many believe that acne-prone skin should be kept away from moisturisers but that actually does quite a bit of harm. Firstly, if you let your skin stay dry, your body will respond by increasing the production of oil. This will clog your pores and increase the chances of developing acne. Secondly, acne-prone skin is sensitive and soothing it with an appropriate moisturiser can prove to be healing. If you’re worried about your skin becoming greasy due to moisturisation, you can choose a product that is gel-based or provides a matte finish.

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acne-prone skin
Washing your face twice is very important in the summers. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
4. Keep a face mist handy

Exposure to the sun can often leave acne-prone skin irritated and inflamed. Not only does it slow down the healing process but can also cause severe discomfort. Keeping a natural face mist can help you soothe the skin when you’re out. What’s more, a spritz of face mist can clear your skin of excess sweat, dust and dirt. Add a bottle of rose water or lavender mist to your bag to keep the summer season from making your acne worse.

5. Don’t skip exfoliation

Summer is definitely not the season to skip exfoliation, especially if you have acne-prone skin. But, you do need to pick out a gentle exfoliator for the summer months. Exfoliation clears up clogged pores, removes the dead skin cells, fades acne marks and also reduces the tanning caused by sun exposure. You can use besan or coffee for gentle exfoliation of the skin.

So, ladies, don’t be scared of the summer season but protect your skin from its harmful effects with these simple tips!

  • 126
About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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