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Neck roller to face coin: 5 beauty tools that Mira Rajput swears by

Embrace these beauty tools advised by Mira Rajput and your skin will thank you!
These beauty tools used by Mira Rajput are super effective for healthy, gorgeous skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Geetika Sachdev Updated: 14 Feb 2022, 03:34 pm IST
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If you have common love for beauty and Bollywood, you definitely know about Mira Rajput and her wellness secrets! Her audience loves the holistic beauty and fitness nuggets she shares, and trust us, the best part is that these are absolutely simple and effective. So, what are some beauty tools that she swears by? You will jump with joy, because she has finally spilled this secret!

In a recent video on YouTube, Mira Rajput gave us a sneak peek into these tools. Ready to find out what they are? Let’s go!

Mira Rajput beauty
Mira Rajput loves to pamper herself wit effective beauty and wellness solutions. Image courtesy: Mira Rajput/Instagram

5 beauty tools used by Mira Rajput for healthy skin

1. Quartz gua sha coin

Mira Rajput finds gua sha best for lymphatic drainage and sculpting. This beauty tool,whose name translates to scraping in Chinese, is said to enhance the flow of energy called qi or chi. One must rub the skin in long strokes, and apply adequate but gentle pressure while using it. Regular use will always help you with gorgeous skin. Several skin experts suggest using it in conjunction with a face/body oil.

2. Kansa wand

This beauty tool is used to massage the soles on the feet in order to balance excess pitta, and promote restful sleep. Kansa is known as the bell metal and is used to make Tibetan gongs. It has the ability to balance pH, largely due to the metal’s alkaline properties. It can help to soothe skin that is high in acid content, and in turn, helps to tackle sensitivity, premature aging, wrinkles, inflammation or even acne.

3. Applicator brush

This one is a staple that we’ve been using for ages! When you use an applicator brush, it helps you cover your face with a coat of the pack more uniformly. Plus, it’s also more hygienic, instead of using your fingers to put it all over your face.

4. Kansa face coin

Rajput shares that she uses the Kansa face coin for a deeper massage and the Kansa helps to detoxify. This ancient healing metal works its magic on your skin and works on the underlying connective tissues. It also draws out pitta and heat, and promotes better circulation of blood. All in all, a must-have!

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Also Read: Wait, what? Mira Rajput trims her hair on the day of the full moon!

gua sha
Gua Sha helps in face sculpting! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Neck roller

For Mira, this beauty tool is ‘indulgent but super fun’. She uses the neck roller to keep the neck firm, and also uses it on her shoulders and decolletage. We think this is a perfect tool, especially since most of our day goes in using gadgets that more often than not causes a ‘tech neck’!

So ladies, go gaga over these beauty tools and flaunt your flawless skin a la Mira Rajput!

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About the Author

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town. ...Read More

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