The confidence level of a person is often decoded by appearance because how one presents oneself directly reflects the willingness to succeed in life. That’s why skincare is as important as healthcare for working professionals, especially women who have more sensitive and delicate skin. Every working woman wants to shine like a star with ethereally fresh and glowing skin.
It is the skin of the face, neck, hands, and legs that usually remain in contact with dust, sunlight, and contaminated air and water when women spend a significant part of the day outside. To hide their effects on the skin, women readily jump over makeup kits which further increase complications in the long-run. Hence, for a healthy, supple, and vibrant skin one should be extra careful about choosing the right kind of makeup and beauty products.
Makeup alone does not cast any magic but when it is complemented by skincare solutions, it works like icing on the cake. On the other hand, using too much makeup may turn natural beauty into an artificial one. Bold colours and vibrant makeup shades should be restricted to family parties or special occasions. On a daily basis and in a work environment, women can opt for foundation or concealer to correct the uneven skin tone and dark circles under the eyes.
A light mascara or eyeliner can also be helpful for making a subtle impression. Since makeup remains incomplete without lipstick, light and pastel shades of lipstick should be chosen from a reputed brand. Wearing makeup for the entire day may clog the pores of the skin. To let the pores breathe, remove make-up strictly before going to bed. Natural oils such as jojoba, sweet almond, and witch hazel are considered best for oil cleansing and removing makeup on a daily basis.
A glowing and good skin can be better achieved through internal makeover than external applications of cosmetics. High intake of fluids like freshwater, coconut water, juices of fruits and vegetables not only keep the pH value of one’s skin maintained but also nourish it with essential vitamins like C, E, and K. Water, which detoxifies the body is also the most indispensable constituent of a glowing and healthy skin, so one should always keep a water bottle alongside while moving out of the home and office. Besides, a bowl full of fresh fruits and vegetables after breakfast and supper is highly recommended to enrich the skin with required nutrients for timely replacement of dead skin cells.
As beauty is nothing but following a healthy lifestyle, a 7-8 hours of sound sleep is irreplaceable and one should avoid working late at night. Insufficient sleep is the major cause of dark circles, bulging eyes, and stress. The age-old beauty formula of “early to sleep and early to rise” is still pragmatic and relevant.
Before going to sleep, one should not forget to remove makeup with mild cleansing products. Some women use paper napkins for this purpose, but it is not the right practice at all. Even old face towels roughen the skin over a period of time. A gentle toner containing natural agents should be applied over the face and hands for perfect skin. Follow in with a moisturiser according to your skin type.
Ladies, who wear spectacles and sunglasses regularly, must clean them daily to avoid any sort of pore-clogging around eyes and nose. In the morning, do not forget to apply a moisturiser and sunscreen before stepping outside.
Apart from giving due consideration to a skincare routine and appropriate makeup, exfoliation at least once or twice a week is also mandatory for healthy and radiant skin as it is quite effective in replenishing the dead skin layers with healthier and brighter ones.
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