Face massage in the form of facials, medi-facials, and spas not only sound relaxing but have become an integral part of one’s grooming session. But have you ever heard of an anti-ageing massage? Well, the new treatment therapies and tools like derma rollers, gua shas, and roller bars, have taken the beauty industry by storm by inspiring everyone to add the step of face massage as part of their skincare regime.
The main benefit of a face massage is certainly its ability to improve the overall appearance of skin, and one can use a stimulating massage device or a cream to do the process. A daily facial massage is said to be useful in reducing wrinkles and skin sagging. Not just that, it can lead to higher rates of expression in dermal proteins, like collagen and elastin, both of which are known to have an anti-ageing effect on the skin.
“A massage aids lymphatic drainage and relaxes the tension muscle in the face, further reducing the appearance of early fine lines and wrinkles, making it a great way to avoid premature ageing of the skin. Face massage can help reduce the puffiness on the face, brighten the skin and contour and lift the skin,” Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra, dermatologist and director of Alive Wellness Clinics, tells Health Shots.
Also, read: Massage these 10 facial points for up to 10 minutes for 10 days to reduce face fat
To put it simply, a facial massage can aid in stimulating the face muscles, thereby, helping to bring oxygen to that area. It is undoubtedly the natural form of anti-ageing skin care because more blood flow means a healthy and natural glow to the complexion.
There have been debates on whether it affects the skin laxity, so what is more important than getting any massage for the body or face, is the technique one follows.
To understand this better, think of any massage as an exercise for the skin. Your body benefits from a morning jog as long as you are jogging, and when you turn the jog to slow walk or reduce the frequency of the walk, slowly and gradually your body also slows down. So yes, the benefit of any routine will only last as long as you follow the right technique and continue the process.
“The right technique for face massage for anti-ageing is to be applied. It is always upwards like you are giving the skin a lift. It is not in circles, nor putting too much pressure on the skin, which several people like doing in the name of a massage. The ideal massage is when you put the right amount of pressure without friction so that it can accelerate the process of lymphatic drainage and heal the skin,” Dr Chhabra says.
And isn’t that the main reason behind an anti-ageing skin care anyway?
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