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Want baby-soft, youthful skin for life? Well then, inculcate these 6 habits for glowing results

To slide into your 40s without wrinkles and fine lines, you’ve got to make a few lifestyle changes right now. Here six habits to prevent skin's ageing.
Moringa might the boost your skin needs. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Sonakshi Kohli Updated: 11 May 2021, 12:19 am IST
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There’s no disease or health problem that a healthy lifestyle can’t solve. Skin issues such as signs of ageing are no exception to this rule. In fact, healthy habits can help you prevent your skin from ageing.

So, if you’re already worried about wrinkles, fine lines, or sagging skin under your neck–you must inculcate these six habits in your daily routine to keep signs of ageing at bay: 

1. Never step out without applying sunscreen
Not facing the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun bare faced is perhaps the most important aspect of skincare. This will help you avoid what is known as ‘photo ageing’.

Several studies including the one published in the journal Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin have found sunscreen and sunblock application to be a major factor in delaying the skin’s ageing. This is simply because the presence of compounds such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide create a protective barrier on the skin and avoid its direct exposure to the UV rays.

2. Stop smoking
Smoking is injurious to health. And if all those health advisories (even Akshay Kumar’s pro-sanitary napkin and anti-smoking campaign playing in theatres now!) haven’t been able to make you quit, you’re indeed quite stubborn, we must say.

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But, in case the lung damage, cancer risk, and heart problems from smoking don’t scare you enough, you’ve got to know that it can even ruin your precious face and lead to premature ageing.

Not only can smoking damage the collagen and elastic fibres in your skin, but a host of toxic substances emitted from cigarettes along with the addictive nicotine can also leave you feeling high and your skin feeling dry—and damaged. Quit now, peeps!

Also, Read: 7 things you will relate to if you’re trying to quit smoking

3. Regular workouts
If you live a sedentary life that involves no or very less physical activity, there’s no way that your skin won’t bear the brunt. So, if not for the sake of the mood-boost or your overall health, you’ve got to start working out for the sake of your beautiful face, girl.

As per a study conducted at the University of Birmingham, exercising regularly can prevent premature ageing of the skin and even keep the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines at bay. After all, you end up flushing out the toxins from your skin through that workout sweat. Plus, the increase in endorphins (happy hormones) and a decrease in cortisol (stress hormone) after exercising can also help delay skin ageing.

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4. Sleep well
Ladies, make sure you have a fixed sleeping pattern that involves hitting the bed early and waking up early. You’ve also got to make sure that you get seven to nine hours of quality sleep everyday so as to beat the day’s stress and give your skin enough recovery time to repair itself.

5. Moisturize
The cleansing-toning-moisturising practice is an age-old theory that never fails to prove beneficial when it comes to skincare. While cleansing your face once a day can unclog your pores and give them a hearty oxygen supply, toning can tighten and condition your skin. Finally, applying a moisturiser can seal the deal and nourish your skin like no other.

You can even opt for an anti-ageing eye cream/night cream as soon as you hit your 30’s so as to delay signs of ageing. Additionally, you can opt for skincare products containing hyaluronic acid to ensure that your skin is hydrated and doesn’t lose its elasticity. You can even use products containing retinol (a vitamin-A-based drug known for preventing wrinkles and fine lines) if you’ve begun to notice a few lines here and there.

6. Eat well
There’s no denying the fact that your skin needs to be adequately nourished and hydrated in order to prevent wrinkling and sinking. But there’s also no denying the fact that real hydration comes with eating a healthy, clean, balanced diet full of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

prevent skin ageing
Chomp on those salads and stay fit and healthy, while your skin radiates its healthy glow!. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

This can ensure that your hormones are balanced, thus eliminating the chance of any hormonal imbalance speeding up your skin’s ageing process. It can also ensure that you’re getting all the essential nutrients needed to maintain skin health.

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Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. ...Read More

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