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Everything you need to know about dermarolling, including how it can reduce acne scars

Dermarolling is the new trend on the block to heal the skin, reduce appearance of scars, and smoothen fine lines. But is it safe?
Pricking your face with tiny needles for good skin? Turns out, it actually is effective. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Published: 25 Dec 2020, 10:30 am IST
  • 79

A huge part of ‘looking good’ is all about ensuring your skin stays healthy. No amount of concealer, lip gloss or highlighter can match the glow of healthy skin. That’s why we keep adding new products to our skincare regime, and investing in multiple treatments. It’s all a way of making sure our skin looks radiant, and is free from breakouts and fine lines.

This innate desire to maintain our skin’s health has given rise to multiple trends, and one of them is dermarolling. 

So, what is this treatment that celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Jeniffer Aniston swear by?

Well, dermarolling is a form of microneedling. As the term suggests, microneedling is the process of puncturing the skin with small needles, which is said to stimulate the production of collagen, the key protein that is known to keep the skin clear of marks and fine lines. 

In addition, it is said to activate the skin’s natural healing process, which reduces blemishes, gets rid of acne scars, improves texture, and evens out fine lines.

Dermarolling is the DIY version of microneedling, and can be done at home. A dermaroller is a hand-held device with a wheel, which is covered with tiny needles meant to prick your skin. It might be small in size, it sure seems to have a lot of benefits!

Make your skin glow with dermaroller! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Also, read: Jade rollers are all the craze, but do they really work? A dermatologist answers

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Is it safe?

Yes, but you have to observe some amount of caution. Here are a few things to keep in mind , when dermarolling at home:

  1. When you’re picking out a dermaroller for personal use at home, make sure you do not exceed 0.25 mm to 0.5mm needle size. Anything bigger than this, puts you at risk of wounding or scarring your skin.
  2. Cleanse your skin before you start the process. Cleansing will get rid of the minutest dust particles and excess oil. Skipping this step might cause dirt and dust to penetrate deeper into your skin, resulting in infection and acne.
  3. The instrument itself has to be kept hygienic. Disinfect the dermaroller before and after use. Doing so will ensure that bacteria and dirt don’t find a way to get to your skin.
  4. During the process, make sure you’re holding your skin taut, as you run the dermaroller over your face. It will ensure that the dermaroller is able to act upon the whole face, and reduces the risk of any wounding.
  5. Dermarolling at home isn’t supposed to hurt. So, if it is hurting then simply stop. Figure out what the issue could be. Maybe the needle size isn’t working for you. In addition, make sure you’re not putting excessive pressure on the dermaroller, because it might end up piercing the skin. Be gentle with this instrument.
  6. Avoid dermarolling when you have active acne or wounds on your face. It might aggravate your problem, and cause bacteria to spread to other areas of your face.
  7. Don’t go overboard with dermarolling. Use it only once a week in the beginning, and increase the frequency slowly. But, it is definitely not something you should be doing every single day. The whole point of the process is to let your skin heal and you need to give it time.

Overall, dermarollers are an at-home facial device and safe to use. They can work wonders for your skin if used properly. For more enhanced results, such as a reduction in acne scars and fine lines, you should definitely talk to a professional about microneedling.

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About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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