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Got sunken eyes? Get a glimpse of the causes and treatment

Sunken eyes can be a result of ageing. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything to reverse the condition. Here are some tips to get rid of it.
sunken eyes
There are many factors that can contribute to sunken eyes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 7 Sep 2021, 04:00 pm IST
  • 91

Dark circles and wrinkles are the most common problems that many women face. Are you also facing the same? If yes, there are a variety of things that trigger this change in our skin. Dark circles and wrinkles are sometimes also associated with eye puffiness, which is not something women love. And then there is also something called sunken eyes. 

The under-eye skin is one of the most delicate on your entire body. If you have sunken eyes, you will notice a hollow-looking space and dark shadows under your eyes or on your lower eyelids. The skin around there might look thin. Now if the term sunken is new to you, you’ve landed at the right place! 

According to Dr. Ajay Rana, a world-renowned dermatologist and aesthetic physician, sunken eyes are commonly known as hollow eyes. In this condition, the skin around the eyes appears sunken or pulled inwards. The eyeballs recede into the eye socket, making the eyes seem heavy, exhausted, and hollow. If a groove below the inner corner of the eyes or the eyes looks sunken, it causes the sunken eyes to have a tear trough deformity. 

“The hollow also causes crinkling and casts a shadow, making sunken eyes appear more prominent. It is a cosmetic problem that makes you look older with a slightly unnatural appearance. Sunken eyes appear most commonly in older people,” says Dr Rana.

However, younger people may also develop sunken eyes due to several reasons. Read on to know. 

Here’s what causes eyes to appear hollow

Dr Rana says that the sunken eyes can be present right from a young age but it tends to worsen as we grow older. People who have this under-eye problem tend to look tired all the time. Let’s find out what are the most common reasons that cause sunken eyes. 

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1. Ageing

Age is the major factor when it comes to hollowness because as you grow older, the orbital fatty tissues around the eye decrease, making the skin around the eyes appear thin. Dr Rana says, “Ageing is one of the many reasons for the appearance of sunken eyes. As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen. As a result, our skin begins to sag which causes potential results being sunken eyes.”

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Ageing is the biggest factor behind sunken eyes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Inadequate sleep

Poor sleep is a common issue nowadays. The lack of sleep directly affects your eyes. “Not getting enough sleep can undermine the integrity of the skin and cause sunken eyes, jowls, and more,” says Dr Rana. A good, uninterrupted sleep of 7-8 hours is very important for the person to feel rested and fresh. 

3. Dehydration

Lack of nutrition and severe dehydration are the possible causes of sunken eyes. Dr Rana says, “Dehydration is one of the primary causes for most common skin conditions and a major contributing factor to the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and sunken eyes.” But the good news is that the moment the tissues get hydrated, this hollowness is reversed. 

4. Harmful UV rays

“Too much sun undermines the integrity of the skin and harmful UV rays of the sun causes it to sag and take on a ruddy appearance. If we go out without sunscreen and sunglasses, it leads to the causes for sunken eyes,” says Dr Rana. In fact, if you already have dark circles, sun exposure will make the condition worse as sun rays produce melanin which darkens the skin. 

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Avoid excessive sun exposure if you are already dealing with sunken eyes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
5. Certain medical conditions

Many medical conditions such as hay fever and other types of allergies can cause dark circles and sagging skin under the eyes. Sinus infections can also attack the eyes from behind and make them appear sunken and dark.

Here are the tips to get rid of sunken eyes by Dr Rana

1. Inject biocompatible substances into the tissues in the under-eye areas to fill up the volume. This can be done temporarily using Hyaluronic acid-based fillers which last for 8-10 months. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in our skin that helps to hydrate and adds volume. This fat has to be harvested very carefully so that the stem cells in the fat are left intact. These live cells, when injected in the area, develop a blood supply and the outcome is permanent.

Also, read: Want youthful looking skin? Try this DIY anti-ageing hyaluronic acid serum

2. Getting a good sleep of 7-8 hours is very important to get rid of sunken eyes.

3. Apply and reapply a good quality sunscreen every three to four hours to shield the eyes from the sun. Mineral sunscreen works best to protect the eyes even if you have sensitive skin. Use a stick sunscreen as it prevents the product from getting into the eyes.

4. Applying slices of cucumber or potato cools the skin and improves the blood circulation in the area, thus relieving the tiredness. This also improves the blood supply of the area and thus provides the glow to the skin.

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Trust cooling cucumber to reduce your dark circles. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Quit Smoking because the carbon monoxide present in cigarettes expels out oxygen and other nutrients from the skin and reduces the production of collagen which add years to the age. When we stop smoking, Our body also stops collagen degradation and improves the elasticity of the skin and reduces sunken eyes.

6. Place cold or warm tea bags on the eyes for a few minutes to help improve blood circulation around them.

7. Use a good eye cream or gel that includes key ingredients such as Hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, K, E and retinol that work best for sunken eyes. Right ingredients hydrate the eye area and plump up the skin underneath. It acts upon saggy skin effectively and nourishes the tender skin.

8. Eat a healthy diet of dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli sprouts and greens to get rid of deep sunken eyes.

9. Drink enough water to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated will keep your eyes from drooping and will keep your skin fresh and free from dryness. 

So, follow these amazing tips and get rid of sunken eyes!

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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