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Sea buckthorn oil is the beauty powerhouse you didn’t know you needed!

Sea buckthorn oil benefits on skin are widely appreciated. It makes for the perfect addition to your skincare routine.
Buckthorn oil has multiple benefits. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Shifa Khan
Published On: 11 Feb 2022, 11:00 am IST

From celebs to dermatologists and our moms, everyone abides by the benefits of a facial massage. While it may not be easy on the pocket to get a massage at a salon every week, we have a way out. Have you heard of sea buckthorn oil? If not, you will be amazed to know of sea buckthorn oil benefits on skin.

Dr. Sonali Chaudhary, an Integrative and cosmetic Dermatologist, spoke to HealthShots about the list of benefits of sea buckthorn oil.

“Sea buckthorn or seaberry is rich in omega-3,6,7 and 9 fatty acids. And in fact, it is the only plant-based source of palmitoleic acid ( found in Omega 7 fatty acid).” says Dr Chaudhary.

pineapple for skin
Nourish your skin with a regular facial oil massage. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

When you embrace this facial oil massage as a part of your daily routine, you will start to notice its goodness.

Here are some sea buckthorn oil benefits:

  1. Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  2. Moisturizer for oily skin as it moisturizes without clogging the skin and helps in controlling acne.
  3. It can remove excessive oil and also has anti-fungal properties.
  4. Keeps skin hydrated, glowing and healthy as it contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids.
  5. Improves elasticity of the skin by strengthening the epidermal layer.
pineapple and cough
Sea buckthorn oil massage can even give your skin radiance! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

The right kind of facial massage can drastically increase the circulation of blood in your skin. Since, you know all this oil has to offer, we have a step by step guide to massage your face with it. So, get ready to flaunt your glowing and radiant skin.

Here’s how to massage your face with sea buckthorn oil:

  1. Make sure your face and hands are clean before starting the massage.
  2. If your skin is dry, a full face continuous contact massage can be done. In the case of oily skin, pressure point massage is better.
  3. Forehead massage: With gentle pressure, slowly glide your finger tips from eyebrows to the top of your scalp.
  4. Massage around the eyes: Place the fingertips of your index finger and middle finger on the temples and gently massage in circular motions for a few seconds.
  5. Glide your fingers either in clockwise direction or anticlockwise direction from the bridge of your nose. Continue to the under eye area going up over your upper lids and repeating the cycle at least 4-5 times.
  6. Sides of the face massage: After completing the massage on the under area, glide your fingertips back to the temple area and then move them downwards on the side of the face. “This enhances the drainage of lymphatic fluid and helps in under eye puffiness and facial puffiness.” adds Dr Chaudhary.
  7. Massaging your cheekbones: Using the index and middle finger, massage on the cheek bone. “Going from the middle of the face towards the outer sides of the face, focus more on your lymph nodes (in front of the ear, behind the ear, across the jawline).” says Dr Chaudhary, who is also the founder of holistic skin care.
  8. Jawline and neck massage: Using the index and ring finger gently massage along the jawline from the chin going behind the ear. With the help of the palms, massage gently from the chest area going up the neck towards the chin.

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About The Author
Shifa Khan
Shifa Khan

An aesthete and a skincare junkie, Shifa spends most of her time cooking delish food while wearing a sheet mask. At HealthShots, she creates high-octane content that can leave you all a little intrigued!

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