When it comes to beauty, complexion really doesn’t matter, but we all want to have flawless skin. But skin woes like fungal acne are so prevalent nowadays that having clear skin is still a dream for many! In fact, if not corrected on time, this fungal acne can leave lifelong scars — which is all the more problematic. Isn’t it scary?
Fungal acne is an overgrowth of yeast within the hair follicles that mostly appear as small pimples. They don’t vary much in shape or size, and are often accompanied by itching. In fact, fungal acne can lead to whitehead and skin irritation. Recently, to treat fungal acne, probiotics have gained popularity. But is it worth the hype?
Well, probiotics are live bacteria that support the healthy bacteria in your body. Using probiotics may help prevent and treat skin conditions, including fungal acne, keeping acne-causing bacteria levels in check.
Inflammation is one of the leading causes behind fungal acne or sometimes acne-causing bacteria that promote inflammation in the skin, leading to acne breakouts. In both cases, probiotics have been shown to reduce inflammation. When used topically or taken internally as a supplement (in food or as pills, probiotics can kill bad bacteria and fight against harmful microbes, preventing skin inflammation that leads to acne.
Whenever you face a gut problem, probiotics can come to your rescue. And if you have an unhealthy gut, it can have a big impact on your overall health and especially the appearance of your skin including spots, acne, inflammation, eczema, and rosacea. Taking probiotics internally is thought to calm gut issues and therefore reduce the incidence of acne breakouts.
Research so far suggests that probiotics may prevent the production of harmful bacteria such as propionibacterium acnes bacteria that causes acne through the production of antibacterial proteins.
Our whole body is connected to one another and maybe that’s why food has the kind of impact that it does on our mood. Did you know that stress is an important trigger for acne? Well, because there’s a link between mental health, gut, and skin health, known as the gut-skin-brain axis. But probiotics contain microbes that can help to boost your mental health, reducing the risk of acne breakouts.
Probiotics improve fungal acne. Studies have been shown that supplementation of lactobacillus reduces the fungi, which is one of the best-known probiotic strains. Here’s how you can use it:
In the form of food: Fermented foods are a rich source of probiotics. Yogurt, cheese, and paneer are good sources of probiotics. Taking probiotics by mouth in the form of these foods is an indirect yet effective way to treat acne.
In the form of supplements: There are many different probiotics supplements (pills or capsules) that may be helpful in healing your skin from acne. You should definitely make sure that any supplement used contains lactobacillus acidophilus and lactobacillus bifidobacterium.
Topical use: Applying probiotics to the skin is the most direct and effective way to affect the skin’s microbiome. When applied to the skin’s surface, probiotics can form a protective skin barrier to keep away undesirable microorganisms such as bad bacteria, fungi, and toxins.
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