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5 habits you must break if you want glowing skin!

In this fast-paced life, we often forget to look after our skin. Here are 5 habits that you should avoid for glowing skin.
hydrated skin
Glowing skin has a lot to do with your everyday habits. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Team Health Shots Published: 11 Jul 2022, 10:00 am IST
  • 105

Babies have extremely soft and nourished skin that all of us crave for! But as we grow, our skin tends to get hit because of a number of factors. If we don’t care enough, the skin can become a victim of early ageing, appearing dull and dry before its time. Something very simple that we can do to keep a check on our skin health, is to keep a tab on our routine and habits. It’s important to ensure that the texture is healthy and we have glowing skin!

First, let us find out why it is important to take care of your skin.

Many cells of your skin are destroyed throughout the day. With increasing age, the formation of skin cells decreases, and then the skin looks lifeless and withered. So, for healthy and glowing skin, it is very important that you take proper care of your skin. A healthy skin care routine keeps your face away from problems like allergies and acne. At the same time, it also reduces the chances of wrinkles and early skin ageing.

If you will follow a proper skin care routine, your skin will look naturally healthier. This will also give a natural boost to your confidence.

tips for glowing skin
Skin care is not just about products. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

5 habits that can keep you away from glowing skin:

1. Smoking

Cigarettes have nicotine, which disrupts the blood flow from reaching our skin. Due to this, the skin does not get enough oxygen and nutrients. At the same time, the chemical added to tobacco damages The collagen and protein, which are very important for our skin structure.

If you smoke, your skin becomes fragile and you may face premature skin ageing. In such a situation, antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin C can help you repair this damage. But quitting smoking is a permanent cure for it.

2. Not washing your face before going to bed

After being exposed to dust and grime outdoors, washing your face before going to bed is crucial to your skin’s health. The fact that dirt cannot be seen on the face does not imply that your skin is already clean. In such a circumstance, sleeping without washing one’s face at night might result in issues such as the day’s skin irritation and breakouts brought on by dust, oil, and filth.

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Try to give the skin proper care before going to bed at night, you can use glycerine or some kind of botanical oil for skin hydration at night. Applying aloe vera gel or rose water before going to bed can also be extremely beneficial if you want glowing skin. Or you could also follow these effective night skincare routine tips.

Wash your face before sleeping
Make sure you wash your face before sleeping. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Sleeping late at night

Sleeping sufficiently at night is crucial for maintaining both healthy skin and body. Your skin works to heal itself and generates collagen during night. Your skin might suffer if you don’t get enough sleep. This can also give rise to issues like premature skin ageing and dark under eye circles. For good skin, getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night is crucial.

Good sleep maintains the glow and elasticity of the skin for a long time. At the same time, a full night’s sleep helps you stay fresh and active. Notice your skin on any morning after a good night’s sleep. It blooms!

4. Drinking excess alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can affect your health as well as skin. Alcohol increases the level of inflammatory agents in the body due to which the skin looks lifeless over time. Keep away from this habit for beautiful and glowing skin. If you want to enjoy at a party, you have many skin-friendly options. Instead of drinking alcohol, have a glass of juice for your skin!

Also read: From wine to vodka, I used alcohol on my face and got glowing results

Avoid alcohol if you want glowing skin
Avoid alcohol if you want glowing skin! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Over-exfoliating your skin

Exfoliating the skin is very important, but doing so everyday or continuously for a long time can be damaging. It can cause undue dryness, and may even lead to strange spots on the skin. Don’t be too surprised to see acne and pimples as a result of over-exfoliation too!

It’s important to note that every person’s skin is different, so it is natural that itt reacts differently to every action. But experts believe that scrubbing is better only after 1 or 2 weeks. If your skin is more sensitive, you only need to do scrub once in a while.

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