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Lighten your lips naturally using these home tricks

There are many factors which can cause your lips to lose their colour and get dark. To lighten up use these home remedies.
Lip care choice to make right before the kiss day! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Updated: 19 Nov 2021, 08:03 pm IST
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Just as our skin tone differs from person to person, the colour of our lips are varied too. Lifestyle choices sometimes end up causing lips to become darker, but we can turn that around with just a little extra care and attention.

The winter season can especially be a tad troublesome because lips tend get to dry, dull and chapped, making them look darker. But if you are pining for lighter lips, we are at your service, Ma’am!

dark lips
Lip care is an important part of your beauty routine. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Dr Praveen Bharadwaj, Consultant – Dermatology, Manipal Hospital Whitefield, tells HealthShots some home remedies to get rid of the dark lips. 

Here are a few home remedies to lighten your dark lips
1. Keep yourself hydrated

Conditions like environmental pollution and dehydration can result in dry, chapped, pigmented and dark lips. That’s why it’s important to drink as much water as you can. Especially in winter, make a conscious effort to have at least 8 glasses of water every day. 

2. Eat a lot of fresh fruits

Eat both fresh fruits and veggies with high water content like watermelon, tomato, and cucumber, in order to moisten your lips and to improve the tone. 

3. Do not pluck or chew the lips

When our lips are dry, we tend to lick, pluck or chew them. It may cause harm, so don’t do that. 

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4. Apply moisturisers 

Dr Bharadwaj suggests applying moisturisers like coconut oil, ghee, or beeswax that are naturally available.

dark lips
Trust home remedies to keep your lips healthy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
5. Saffron or beetroot extracts 

Saffron or beer root extract can be used as natural lip colours. This will keep lips healthy and fuller and will improve the lip colour. 

what causes lips to turn dark?

Dr Bharadwaj explains the factors which can result in dark lips. Here they are: 

1. Increased dark pigment

Lip darkening occurs due to increased dark pigment called melanin.

Also, read: 5 tips to keep your lips soft and smooth in winter

2. Deficiency of vitamin B12

Lip darkening may also occur due to deficiency of vitamin B 12.  

3. Addison’s disease

Medical conditions like lichen planus and Addison’s disease may cause dark lips.

4. Lips plucking

Localised darkening of lips may be a sign of malignancy. Along with this, repeated plucking can also cause dark lips.

Also, read: Did you know drinking too much coffee can your lips twitch? Here’s what you need to know

5. Smoking

The most common cause is irritation and subsequent darkening as a result of the use of lip cosmetics and smoking. 

dark lips
Reminder alert: Smoking is injurious to your lip health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

If you notice a sudden change in the colour of your lips, you need to pay more attention to it because it may indicate certain underlying conditions. 

Here are certain diseases which may cause darker lips
1. Lichen planus

The cause of lichen planus is usually not known but these autoimmune conditions, lichen planus, and SLE can cause dark lips. 

Also, read: STOP using expired lipstick! A dermat reveals why it’s a big sin

2. Genetic 

Many genetic conditions can cause dark lips. 

3. Deficiency of cortisol

The deficiency of cortisol in the body also called Addison’s disease can cause dark lips. 

4. Melanoma

A type of skin cancer called melanoma can also be a cause of dark lips. 

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About the Author

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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