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Use this DIY coffee and neem oil face scrub for glowing and acne-free skin

This face scrub made using coffee and neem oil is perfect to keep your skin glowing, fresh and clean.
coffee peel-off mask
Coffee peel-off mask can act as a great exfoliator and anti-aging skin treatment! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Updated: 15 Jun 2021, 05:11 pm IST
  • 129

A face scrub made from natural ingredients can go a long way in giving your skin a fresh and radiant look. All you need in fact, are some home staples to keep your skin healthy, and steer clear of common problems like acne, oiliness and scars.

Scrubbing should be an essential part of your skincare routine as it helps in removing dead skin cells and cleanses the skin pores. You might be aware that unclogged pores are the main culprit behind breakouts and acne. Your all-natural face scrub can help you unclog your skin pores, remove dirt, and excess oil.

The benefits of using a coffee scrub for face

You read that right, coffee is a great ingredient for a face scrub as it is an exfoliating agent that reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation, providing you with clean and radiant skin.

coffee face mask
Coffee contains antioxidants that protect your skin against damage!
Image courtesy: Shutterstock

You see, there are various benefits of coffee for the skin. Coffee contains antioxidants, such as phenols that help fight free radicals, thereby preventing your skin from damage. Its anti-inflammatory properties are due to the chlorogenic acid and melanoidins contained in it, which helps reduce hyperpigmentation. Even your dark circle won’t stand a chance in front of coffee as caffeine content in coffee helps dilate blood vessels that contribute to dark circles.

The benefits of neem oil for skin

Neem, on the other hand, has been known from time immemorial to be beneficial for the skin. Neem oil in particular contains various ingredients such as vitamin E, antioxidants, calcium and limonoids that enhance skin health. Neem oil can help manage dry skin, wrinkles and boost collagen production. Its cleansing properties can help treat acne and reduce scars.

neem oil for skin
Neem oil can help you avoid acne. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

So, all set to make the coffee and neem oil face scrub?

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Here’s what you’ll need:

2 tablespoons grounded/powdered coffee

2 tablespoons neem oil

Here’s how you can prepare and use the neem oil and coffee face scrub for glowing and fresh skin:

Step 1: Mix the grounded/powdered coffee with neem oil to get an even consistency. Let it sit for at least fifteen minutes.

Step 2: Gently massage the face scrub all over your face and neck and let it sit for five to ten minutes.

Step 3: Rinse your face and neck with warm water.

Use this coffee and neem oil face scrub at least once or twice a week. In addition, make sure you use it on a dry face. You’ll see the results only after regular use! Ladies, make this face scrub an integral part of your skincare routine.

  • 129
About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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