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Treat dry hair with this DIY ultra-hydrating banana and almond hair mask

This easy-to-prepare banana and almond hair mask can help you moisturise dry and dull hair, making your tresses healthy and strong.
almond oil for curly
Provide your tresses with deep moisturisation by preparing this natural hair mask! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Grace Bains
Updated On: 13 May 2021, 09:51 am IST

When we neglect our hair for too long, it’s bound to show! One of the biggest signs that your hair is in dire need of moisturisation is dryness. The fact that dry hair looks shabby, dishevelled and dull is only a part of the problem. Over time, it can lead to split ends, brittleness and breakage. All this hurts the health of our hair and affects growth.

So, what can you do? Well, the solution is extremely simple — provide your hair with regular moisturisation. Now, there might be a lot of products out there that promise hair hydration but due to their chemical nature, the effects are short-term. Keep things natural and you’ll see how much it makes a difference. If you’re looking for a natural hair mask to deeply hydrate your dry hair, you’ll need only two ingredients: bananas and almonds!

Bananas are a powerhouse of potassium, silica and natural oils. Silica, in particular, helps the body produce collagen and ensures your hair becomes stronger. What’s more, bananas can moisturise the scalp and hair, making the hair shinier and manageable. The other ingredient, which is almond, is also rich in natural oils, deeply hydrating your scalp and tresses. In addition, it contains vitamin E, which is essential for healthy hair growth and is known to improve the texture of your tresses.

Here are the things you will need:

– 4-5 almonds
– 1 banana
– 2 tsp yoghurt

banana and almond hair mask
Banana is rich in nutrients that can revive your hair. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here’s how you can prepare the banana and walnut hair mask:
  1. Soak the almonds in water for a couple of hours. This will soften them and make it easier for you to break them down. You can use a blender or a mortar and pestle to make a paste out of the almonds.
  2. Next, mash the banana and add the almond paste to it.
  3. Now, add two teaspoons of yoghurt to this mix. This will help you fix the consistency. You can adjust the quantity of the yoghurt, depending on the length of your hair. What’s more, yoghurt is also rich in fat content and will boost the hydrating effect of banana and almonds!
  4. Mix these ingredients together till you get a paste-like consistency.
Here’s how to use this hair mask made out of banana and almonds:

Step 1: Create sections and apply the hair mask to each strand individually. The point is to apply this hair mask to your roots as well as along the length of your hair, covering the entire head.

Step 2: Cover the hair with a shower cap. In addition, you can dip a towel in hot water and wring it to remove excess water. When you cover your head with this towel, you’re essentially steaming it, which will enhance the absorption of this hair mask.

Step 3: Let the hair mask stay for 15 to 20 minutes, before washing it off using warm water.

So, ladies, make sure you use this banana and almond hair mask regularly to treat dry hair and keep your tresses away from all kinds of problems!

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About The Author
Grace Bains
Grace Bains

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book.

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