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These 5 natural skincare tips will help you erase forehead wrinkles

Those worry lines are going to be a thing of the past, if you follow these natural skincare tips to get rid of forehead wrinkles.
How to get rid of wrinkles?
Erase those forehead wrinkles with these tips. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shahnaz Husain Published: 26 Dec 2020, 01:30 pm IST
  • 86

Ayurveda uses plant products and essential oils to create formulations with potent anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties. These super ingredients contain natural antioxidants, which protect the skin against free radicals. You see, the main reason for skin ageing—especially on the forehead—is oxidation damage. But natural ingredients with antioxidant properties like amla, neem, gotu kola, rose, manjishtha, ashvagandha, turmeric, ginger, and cloves can help.

However, forehead wrinkles and fine lines are no longer restricted to the phenomenon of ageing. Your sleeping position can also be to blame for the early development of forehead wrinkles. If you tend to lie on your stomach with your face pressed into your pillow, then you’ll be more at risk of developing wrinkles on your forehead.

Stress, depression, anxiety, dehydration, hormonal changes, photo-damage related to excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun, poor diet, and extreme change in weather can be some of the possible reasons behind wrinkles on the forehead.

Don’t worry though! We’re here to help. Here are some skincare tips you can follow to get rid of forehead wrinkles:
1. Mix oatmeal with oils and almonds

Take half a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil and mix in two drops of geranium oil. Then stir two teaspoons of oatmeal, one teaspoon almond meal, and some orange juice into this till everything is well combined. This pack is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, D, and E, and has powerful anti-ageing benefits. Leave on for about 30 minutes before washing off.

forehead wrinkles
Almond oil is all that you need for great skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Let banana + multani mitti come to your rescue

Take 1 teaspoon of multani mitti in a cup. Mash half a banana into it, add a few drops of honey, and a little milk to make a paste. Apply on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it off with cool water

3. Eat and drink right

Take a healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C and avoid foods that are rich in fat and carbohydrates—both of which increase the risk of wrinkles. Drink at least eight 8 glasses of water every day. Being hydrated goes a long way to help wrinkles.

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forehead wrinkles
Stay hydrated to look gorgeous. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
4. Do an oil massage at home

Massage your face daily with a concoction of 1 tablespoon almond oil, a quarter teaspoon castor oil, a few drops of wheat germ oil, and a few drops of frankincense. Give yourself a warm compress to help the skin absorb these oils better. Wash off after an hour.

5. Don’t forget to exfoliate

Exfoliate your skin twice a week. Exfoliation is an extremely important step in your skincare routine. It will help to get rid of dead skin cells. So, choose a mild scrub to exfoliate your skin regularly.

  • 86
About the Author

Shahnaz Husain is the founder, chairperson, and managing director of The Shahnaz Husain Group and is considered a pioneer in the realm of herbal beauty in India. ...Read More

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