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This hibiscus and honey face mask is the key to moisturised and glowing skin

This homemade face mask with honey and hibiscus is extremely effective when it comes to deeply moisturising the skin.
rose face packs
This potent face mask is super easy to make, yet extremely effective! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Updated: 16 Jan 2021, 03:00 pm IST
  • 102

Every season affects our skin differently. And when it comes to winters, it is a known culprit behind dry and dull skin. You will notice your skin gets extremely dry during the colder months of the year, and if you’re vigilant enough, you probably stock up on moisturisers right in the beginning of the season.

What’s clear is that we need something that can deeply hydrate our skin while also giving it a touch of glow during the winter season. Honestly, you only need one face mask to meet these two needs! A hibiscus-honey face mask can truly amp up your skin health amidst the dry and chilly winter months.

Here’s what this homemade face mask with honey and hisbiscus  can do for you 

Many still consider hibiscus to be an unconventional ingredient when it comes to skincare but there are multiple ways in which it takes care of your skin:

  • The high content of vitamin C in hibiscus brightens dull skin
  • The AHAs present in the flower exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and dirt
  • The antioxidants act against free radicals, helping your skin avoid fine lines and age spots
homemade face mask
This beautiful flower has a powerful effect on your skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What honey does is that it moisturises your skin deeply. Not only is it hydrating in nature but is also a natural humectant, which means it has the ability to lock-in moisture. Which is why we’re also adding aloe vera to this face mask. The high-water content will hydrate your skin and amp up the action of honey. At the same time, honey will lock-in the double dose of moisture and ensure you don’t suffer from dry skin, no matter what the weather is.

What you’ll need

1 hibiscus flower or 2 tsp pure hibiscus powder

1 tsp honey 

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½ tsp aloe vera

Here’s how to prepare this homemade face mask

Step 1: If you don’t have hibiscus powder, you should start by soaking the hibiscus flower in water overnight. Next, grind the flower to turn it into a paste.

Step 2: Add honey and aloe vera to the paste or powder. Mix all the ingredients.

Here’s how to apply the hibiscus and honey face mask
  1. Steam your face for 5 to 7 minutes to open up your pores. Opening up the pores will enhance the absorption of the ingredients into your skin and double the benefits of the hibiscus-honey face mask.
  2. Apply the face mask all over your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with plain water and avoid using a face wash.
homemade face mask
As powerful as it is pretty! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

You should ideally use this light face mask at least once a week. What’s more, you can also massage it on your face for 5 to 10 minutes after applying it before leaving it to dry. We’ve used aloe vera as a supporting ingredient to increase the moisturising effect but you can use other ingredients depending on your skin. For example, you can use neem leaves if you have an acne issue, or vitamin E drops to combat the first few signs of ageing.

So, ladies, pamper yourself with this natural goodness and you’ll never experience dry skin during the winters!

  • 102
About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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