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Here’s how Ayurvedic wonder oil, kumkumadi tailam, can transform your skin

Kumkumadi tailam is an Ayurvedic oil that rejuvenates the skin, minimises dark circles, and provides a natural glow.
Kumkumadi Thailam
Learn how you can use kumkumadi tailam to get glowing and healthy skin! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Updated: 5 Mar 2021, 11:34 am IST
  • 82

There are so many times that we come across the term kumkumadi tailam, when looking into traditional skincare, but most people don’t quite know what this ingredient is, and how it can impact the skin.

So, what exactly is kumkumadi tailam?

Kumkumadi tailam is an Ayurvedic concoction of herbs, plants, flowers, fruits and milk extracts that provides an array of skin benefits to your skin. This oil works wonders, as it helps eradicate skin-related issues and bring out the skin’s natural glow.

The name ‘kumkumadi’ is derived from its key ingredient – saffron, known as kumkuma in Sanskrit. Saffron rejuvenates the skin cells and promotes blood circulation, which helps in brightening the complexion.

This oil provides cosmetic as well as therapeutic effects for the skin, without causing any harm. Besides nourishing the skin, it also works as a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.

Here’s how different ingredients come together to nourish your skin:

  1. Saffron: It works as a natural skin illuminator, improves skin texture, minimizes dark circles and repairs hyperpigmentation as well as signs of ageing.
  2. Manjistha: It is a blood purifier and is known to improve blood circulation. Due to improved circulation, it helps in evening out the complexion, reduces pigmentation, stimulates faster wound healing and reduces inflammation. 
  3. Lac (laksha): The oil obtains antifungal properties from lac (laksha), which is derived from the resinous secretion of lac insects, and is useful in treating skin infections.
  4. Chandana: Known as sandalwood, this ingredient is used to reduce pimples, acne marks, blemishes, sun tan, dullness and removes excess oil from the skin.
  5. Daruharidra (tree turmeric/haldi): It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which helps in warding off skin infections and treating various underlying skin conditions.
  6. Madhuyashti: The concoction contains a natural skin lightening Ayurvedic ingredient called licorice root extract (madhuyashti), which inhibits the enzyme that causes pigmentation in response to sun exposure.
  7. Nilotpala: Known as water lily, it is vital in brightening your skin complexion, soothing irritation, moisturising and regenerating the skin. 
  8. Nyarodhna: It’s basically the leaf of the banyan tree and is used to treat moles, healing wounds and preventing various skin infections.
  9. Kamala kesara: The lotus stem content of kumkumadi tailam acts as a natural skin conditioner and is beneficial in moisturising the skin, thereby preventing acne breakouts and dry skin.

Now, there is no standard approach towards using this oil, but it may be used as part of your night skincare routine. Start by cleansing your face and applying kumkumadi tailam over the face with fingertips. Gently massage onto the skin, until fully absorbed. Allow this wondrous oil to work overnight for best results, and wash it the next morning!

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Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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