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5 reasons why aloe vera gel is a blessing for your skin and hair

Aloe vera gel is the herbal magic we need this summer to ward off the skin and hair problems. Here's 5 ways aloe vera can be our saviour!
clean dark neck with aloe vera
Applying aloe vera gel can soothe your skin! Courtesy: Giphy
Grace Bains Published: 25 May 2020, 06:44 pm IST
  • 132

For centuries now, aloe vera has been considered as a magic potion for skin and hair care. From being regarded as ‘the plant of immortality’ by ancient Egyptians to finding its place in modern-day dermatological research and application, this plant has truly stood the test of time.

According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology, aloe vera is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B12 and packs a solid punch of minerals well. So, the gel extracted from this plant helps in treating issues ranging from wounds to skin ageing.

In fact, here are five problems that you can easily treat with the benefits of good-old aloe vera gel:

1. Skin dehydration and ageing
The amino acids in aloe vera gel help moisturize the skin and make it more elastic as well as less wrinkled. The plant in itself thrives in dry climates and hence, as a natural mechanism, it is conditioned to store water in its leaves, which when combined with the amino acids and complex carbohydrates present in the plant, make for a fantastic hydrating agent for the skin.

dry vs dehydrated skin
To replish your dehydrated skin, aloe vera shall be there for your rescue! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Moreover, this vitamins C and E, and beta carotene-rich plant gel gives the skin nourishing and anti-ageing qualities as it moisturises it without making it greasy.

Also, Read: Dry versus dehydrated skin: How to know the difference and give your skin what it really needs

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2. It helps with wound healing
Aloe vera has been known historically as a healing agent and this property of protecting the skin even finds prevalence in modern scientific research. The gel, when applied on a wound, increases collagen, thereby accelerating wound contraction and reducing the strength of resulting scar tissue.

aloe vera benefits
Want an elixir cure for your accidental burn? Trust aloe vera gel to do the job! Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

What also helps is the presence of the novel anti-inflammatory compound called C-glucosyl along with lupeol in the aloe vera gel that speeds up the healing process of wounds as well as provides anti-septic relief.

3. It can reduce hair fall
Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes which are known to repair dead skin cells on the scalp. Not just that, the gel acts as a great conditioner and can make your hair smooth and shiny.

aloe vera gel benefits
Applying aloe vera gel can get you your luscious locks back! GIF courtesy: Giphy

Aloe vera gel also helps in hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp and reduces dandruff. This miraculous plant happens to have a similar chemical make-up to that of keratin (the primary hair protein) and hence, rejuvenates the hair and prevents breakage.

4. It can fight dental plaque and cavities
Aloe vera is also known to be an effective countermeasure for teeth-related problems. Due to the presence of anthraquinone compounds that actively heal and reduce pain through natural anti-inflammatory effects, aloe vera gel can help with tooth pain and reduce swelling.

dental health
Who knew aloe vera gel can cure all our tooth woes too! Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

Also, the plant’s natural ingredients, such as vitamin C, block plaque and provide relief for bleeding gums.

5. Aloe can protect your skin from the sun
Aloe vera is regarded to have protective effects against radiation damage. Its antioxidant properties help synthesize the protein(s) in our skin to prevent UV-induced harmful effects and delay hypersensitivity.

aloe vera benefits
Let’s protect our skin from sunburns with the good-old aloe vera! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Hence, aloe vera gel, if applied from time to time, will protect against skin cell damage due to UV rays and will help maintain the structural integrity of the skin by curing the damage caused by these harmful rays.

Aloe vera is truly a magical plant that can solve so many of our problems!

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About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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