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Losing more hair after pregnancy? Let these expert tricks come to your rescue

Losing your mind over increased hair loss after pregnancy? Beauty expert Shahnaz Husain shares some tips to help your hair woes.
hair loss and stress
Hair loss may be common during and after pregnancy. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shahnaz Husain Published: 15 Oct 2021, 06:58 pm IST
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Hair loss after pregnancy is almost routine. The estrogen level increases during pregnancy, which can actually benefit the hair. But after pregnancy, when the levels fall, hair loss is very common. Once the hormones settle, the condition may be controlled, but it is important to take good care of the hair, to prevent hair loss and check the thinning of hair. There can also be other problems during and after pregnancy that can affect the hair, affecting its look and even leading to hair loss.

hair loss after pregnancy
Your hair health goes under various changes when you’re pregnant and even after. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Importance of nutrition to treat hair loss after pregnancy

Nutrition is a very important factor for healthy hair, especially during and after pregnancy, as well as lactation. The hair is actually fed by the nutrients in the bloodstream. So, if there is any nutritional deficiency during pregnancy or lactation, it can lead to hair loss. If there is any mental stress, it can also reflect on the hair. Regular hair care goes a long way in minimizing these problems.

Can frequent hair washing lead to hair loss after pregnancy?

A common question I am asked is how often the hair should be washed and if too much hair washing can lead to hair loss. It is not washing of the hair, but the product one uses, that can have a detrimental effect.

It is important to keep in mind that the hair should be washed according to hair type and season.

  • In hot and humid weather, the hair should be washed more often in order to remove sweat and oil deposits, along with dirt.
  • If the hair is oily, it should be washed three or four times a week.
  • For dry hair, wash twice a week.

In modern times, cleansing of the hair has assumed more importance, in order to remove dirt and chemical air pollutants. It is so important to choose the right products.

  • Harsh hair products disturb the normal acid-alkaline balance and also stimulate the scalp further, leading to a build-up of dead cells on the scalp. This aggravates problems like dandruff.
  • If the work entails travelling long distances, the hair should be washed frequently, using very little shampoo.
  • If there is excessive oiliness, a hair rinse should also be used.

Also Read: Here’s how pregnancy can affect your hair health and how to deal with it

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hair loss after pregnancy
Keep a check on the number of times you wash your hair. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
What are the products which reduce hair loss after pregnancy?

First of all, one needs a shampoo or hair cleanser, along with conditioner or hair rinse.

  • If the hair is oily, a hair rinse is better.
  • For dry hair, a creamy conditioner may be used. Leave-on conditioners are also available.
  • We recommend the application of herbal hair tonic on the scalp daily, using cotton wool, leaving it on. It contains herbal extracts that are known to promote hair growth and restore health to the scalp.
  • Apply oil once a week the night before shampoo. If you like, you can apply olive oil or pure coconut oil.
  • Avoid head massage. If there is hair loss, the roots are already weak and massage may aggravate the problem.
  • Clinical treatments are also available. These help to stimulate the hair follicles and check hair loss. Blood circulation to the scalp also improves. During clinical treatments, herbal hair tonics are also applied and steamers are used for greater absorption. 
hair loss after pregnancy
Sprouted moong dal can be a good addition to your diet to manage hair loss. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Diet to manage hair loss after pregnancy

As nutritional deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss, the diet is very important. A nutritious diet helps healthy hair growth, since the hair is actually fed by the nutrients in the bloodstream.

  • Take a small bowl of sprouts daily. Sprouts contain amino acids, which are very beneficial to the hair.
  • Include fresh fruits, raw salads, leafy green vegetables, whole grains and curd in the daily diet.
  • If the scalp is oily, or if there is dandruff, drink plenty of water.
  • Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of water and have it first thing in the morning.
  • Ask your doctor to prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Also, be sure to consult your doctor before making changes in your diet. 

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About the Author

Shahnaz Husain is the founder, chairperson, and managing director of The Shahnaz Husain Group and is considered a pioneer in the realm of herbal beauty in India. ...Read More

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