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This homemade hair mask with neem and ghee will restore life to dull hair

This homemade hair mask with neem and ghee can nourish your tresses, getting rid of dullness and restoring shine.
benefits of paan
The solution to your dull hair is right in your kitchen! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Published: 28 Feb 2021, 03:19 pm IST
  • 108

We might not even realise it but our hair goes through a lot on a daily basis. From exposure to pollution and dust to putting up with styling appliances and gels, our hair puts up with everything fairly bravely but after a certain point, the damage starts to show. In fact, one of the initial signs that your tresses are asking for your attention is dullness.

Dull hair lacks shine and often robs us of voluminous hair, making our tresses look flat. What’s more, the texture seems rough and our hair becomes more prone to tangling. Basically, having dull hair is equivalent to living a bad hair day on a daily basis. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it?

homemade hair mask
Transform your dull and dry hair at home with nourishing ingredients. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Truth be told, the solution to dull looking hair isn’t subjecting it to more chemicals. Instead, you should look for a homemade hair mask that can nourish your hair and replenish its health. In such a situation, we highly recommend two of the most powerful ingredients that are easily found in our homes!

A ghee and neem hair mask can turn around the state of your hair! Here’s how to prepare it for deeply hydrated and healthy tresses.

For this homemade hair mask, you’ll need:

10 to 15 neem leaves, crushed
3 tbsp ghee
1 tbsp honey

Here’s how can prepare this hair mask:

Step 1: Add crushed neem leaves to ghee and honey. Let it rest overnight.

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Step 2: Heat this mix on low flame for 3 to 4 minutes.

It’s ready to apply! Now, all you have to do is apply this mixture along the length of your hair. You can add another step to this process if you want to enhance the effects of the ghee and neem hair mask: steaming. Dip a towel in warm water and wrap it around your hair for 5 to 10 minutes. This will open up the hair cuticles and add to the healing effects of this mask. Keep it on for half an hour and rinse using a mild shampoo.

ghee for hair
Ghee along with neem give this homemade hair mask its superpowers. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Why this homemade hair mask can work wonders for you

1. Ghee, which is rich in fatty acids and vitamin A, can:

  • Deeply moisturise the scalp and hair
  • Soothe irritation on the scalp
  • Add shine to your tresses
  • Prevent split-ends

2. Neem, which is known for its antifungal and healing properties, can:

  • Eradicate dandruff
  • Cleanse the scalp to restore health
  • Strengthens hair follicles
  • Stop hair loss
  • Prevents premature greying

No wonder that both these ingredients are so integral to Ayurveda as well! Neem and ghee have medicinal properties that can deal with the damage and stress your hair goes through. This hair mask won’t just restore hair health but also prevent your hair from becoming dull. When a small amount of honey is added to this potion, it will lock in the moisture because it is a known humectant.

Also read: 4 powerful ghee-based face packs to help you hydrate your skin and keep it glowing

Keep in mind that you might need to adjust the proportions of the ingredients based on the length of your hair. These portions work best for someone with short hair.

So, ladies, you only need some ghee and neem in this homemade hair mask to make your dull hair healthy again!

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About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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