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You can’t deny that our hair goes through a lot. If external factors like pollution, dust and sunlight lead to dullness and breakage, then health factors like excessive stress lead to hair fall. Over time, our tresses experience damage and it severely affects growth.
There are various products that promise to nourish your hair but can something made entirely out of chemicals truly restore your hair health? It is best to keep it natural! Making your own hair masks with ingredients available right at home isn’t just simple but also an effective way of keeping those tresses strong.
If you want to treat damaged hair, we have the perfect hair mask for you which is made using only two ingredients! This amla and aloe vera hair mask is powerful enough to fix all your hair issues. From dryness to hair fall, including this hair mask in your beauty routine is the most effective way to steer clear of hair issues.
Amla helps your hair by strengthening hair roots, reducing hair fall and enhancing the growth rate. What’s more, it also delays premature greying of your tresses!
Aloe vera, the second ingredient, provides deep moisturisation to the scalp and hair. In addition, it has antifungal properties which won’t just remove dandruff but also prevent its occurrence. Both ingredients have powerful antioxidant properties that reduce the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby repairing any damage your tresses might have experienced!
2 amla
4 to 5 tbsp aloe vera pulp
Water (optional)
Step 1: Start by grating amla. Once done, add it to a bowl.
Step 2: Now, add the aloe vera gel/pulp to the bowl.
Step 3: Next, add 2 to 3 teaspoons of water to this mix to fix the consistency, if needed
Step 4: Mix these ingredients together and your hair mask is ready!
To truly see the effects of this hair mask, you should use it on your hair at least once a week! So, ladies, make sure you include it in your beauty routine and let aloe vera and amla repair your hair.
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