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Tackle hair fall by adding onion to your hair care routine in these 3 easy ways

Onion is ideal for keeping your hair strong and preventing hair fall. Add it to your hair care routine in these 3 simple ways!
onion juice
Grace Bains Updated: 25 Jun 2021, 05:18 pm IST
  • 88

Looking for home remedies to protect your hair from falling and prevent premature greying? Well, look no further as onion-based remedies can help you take care of your hair using natural ingredients. These remedies offer a simple yet effective way to keep your tresses healthy and steer clear of common problems like hair fall, greying and dandruff.

Here’s what onion can do for your hair

Onion contains powerful elements such as folic acid, sulphur and vitamin C. The sulphur content helps reduce breakage and thinning of hair and in fact, promotes hair regrowth. Onion also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that help prevent scalp infections and battle premature greying of hair. Onion is also useful in adding volume to the hair and regular use can even help prevent dandruff. 

Here are 3 ways to add onion to your hair care routine

First and foremost, you will require onion juice to prepare your home remedies. Start by grinding the onion into a paste using a blender. Now, scoop out the paste and strain it until you are left with onion’s juice.

So, using natural ingredients with onion as the base, you can prepare a hair mask, rinse and oil that is specifically suited for your needs:

1. Onion juice hair mask

You can make a hair mask using onion juice and olive oil. This hair mask will help improve blood circulation in the scalp, strengthen the hair follicles and promote hair growth. 

Here’s what you will need:

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-3 to 5 tablespoons of onion juice

-2 tablespoons of olive oil

onion for hair
Onion, we love you. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Here’s how to prepare and use the hair mask:

Step 1: Take a small bowl and mix the onion juice with olive oil.

Step 2: Take the mixture on your fingertips and massage it on your scalp in circular motions.

Step 3: let the hair mask rest for 2 hours and then use a shampoo and conditioner to wash it off. 

2. Onion juice hair rinse

Onion can be used as an ingredient for making a hair rinse by combining its juice with lavender essential oil and dash of lemon juice.

Here’s what you will need:

-3 teaspoon onion juice 

-2 teaspoon lemon juice

-1 to 2 teaspoon lavender essential oil 

Here’s how to prepare and use the hair rinse:

Step 1: Take a bowl and mix the onion juice and lavender essential oil. After mixing the ingredients for 2-3 minutes, add lemon juice to it and mix well. 

Step 2: Take the hair rinse in your palms and apply it to your hair and scalp thoroughly. 

Step 3: Let the mixture rest for 30 minutes and then rinse it off using a shampoo to reduce the smell of onion. 

onion for hair
The solution to your hair growth problems is onion juice. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Onion hair oil

Onion juice along with coconut oil can be used as an oil that will nourish your hair, prevent greying and reduce hair thinning.

Here’s what you will need:

-3 tablespoon onion juice

-2 tablespoon coconut oil 

Here’s how to prepare and use the hair oil:

Step 1:  Take a pan and add coconut oil and onion juice to it, mix the two ingredients thoroughly. 

Step 2: On medium flame, let the ingredients cook for 3-5 min and then let it cool off. 

Step 3: After the mixture cools off, use a strainer to extract the oil. 

Step  4: Part your hair from the center and gently massage the oil on your scalp. Let the scalp soak in the oil for at least 3 hours and then use a shampoo to wash it off.

So, ladies, try these remedies at least once a week for optimal results and make them an integral part of your hair care routine. 

  • 88
About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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