Seeing a few hair strands on the floor should not be alarming, as the normal hair growth cycle involves shedding of at least 50 to 100 strands per day. But anything more than that is hair loss, which can be temporary or permanent. It may be due to your genes, dietary reasons or hormonal imbalance. Your choice of pillow fabric or poor sleep cycle may also lead to hair loss. That is probably why you experience hair loss while sleeping. Don’t worry, as there are multiple ways to prevent hair loss while sleeping.
Losing hair strands between 50 and 100 in a day is not a sign of hair loss, as our bodies grow new hair and shed old one, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. But if it happens to be more than that, you have a hair loss problem. Here are some of the causes –
People with sleep disorders have higher chances of experiencing hair loss as compared to those without sleep disorders, as per research published in the Annals of Medicine and Surgery journal in 2022. “Sleep disorder can induce hair loss by affecting hair regrowth and regeneration cycles,” says dermatologist Dr Chagarla Mythri.
For healthy hair growth, inclusion of certain nutrients in the diet is a must. Your hair needs iron, protein, zinc and biotin. But lack of a wholesome diet deficient in these nutrients can lead to hair loss.
Alterations in the levels of estrogen or the stress hormone (cortisol) may lead to hair loss. Cortisol can affect the normal function of the hair follicle, as per research published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology in 2016.
If you tie your hair tightly before sleeping, it can lead to hair loss. “Going for a tight ponytail, braid or bun can cause hair loss since there is poor blood circulation to the scalp,” says the expert.
While sleeping, friction gets caused between hair strands and pillowcase. This leads to hair loss, as the hair strands become weak. Some fabrics like cotton can retain moisture from the hair and makes it dry and frizzy, causing hair loss.
Here are some helpful tips to prevent hair loss while sleeping:
There are higher chances of hair breakage with cotton pillowcases due to the frictional action between hair strands and cotton. “Pillowcases made of silk or satin are better for your tresses, as the hair can glide smoothly over them with little or no friction,” says the expert.
For minimising hair loss while sleeping, make sure that your hair is completely dry, as wet hair is more prone to breakage. Hair is in a weaker state when wet, as the hair shaft absorbs water and swells.
When the body goes into the resting phase, it gets into repair and rejuvenation mode and growth hormones release that stimulate the growth of new hair strands and shed the older ones. But for this, you need a good quality sleep as lack of sleep causes high cortisol levels that damage the hair more.
Hair is more prone to breakage when it is very dry and frizzy. “So, buy a product like a humidifier to keep the air of your room well moisturised to prevent your hair to become dry or brittle,” says the expert.
While you are asleep, never tie your hair into tight hairstyles such as bun, braid or ponytail, as they can damage your hair follicles and cause hair loss. So, keep your scalp stress-free while sleeping by going for loose ponytails.
Before sleeping, go for a scalp massage. Regular scalp massages may lead to increase hair volume, according to research published in ePlasty in 2016.
Doing this can increase blood flow to the hair follicles, and nourish them by supplying oxygen as well as nutrients, stimulating hair growth and preventing hair breakage.
If you are a back sleeper, it is probably the best for the scalp, as it minimises hair friction and prevents damage. Those who sleep on their side, left or right, should prefer switching positions to evenly distribute the pressure on the scalp and prevent hair loss.
For preventing hair breakage and strengthening the hair follicles, apply a hair serum made with strengthening ingredients such as peptides. “They help to provide nutrients to the scalp to promote hair growth,” says the expert.
Whenever you feel that the number of hair strands on your pillowcase are significantly high or you observe some bald patches, check with a doctor. Your doctor may advise certain lifestyle modifications, hair care products, supplementation or topical applicants, depending upon the degree of hair damage.
Yes, it is, as the natural hair growth cycle involves shedding of old hair and regrowth of new hair strands. This usually happens while sleeping, as this is the time when the body is at rest. This happens by the stimulation of the body’s repair and rejuvenation mode. Essential hormones such as growth hormones and those that promote hair growth get released in deep sleep. But finding a lot of hair strands on a pillow can be worrisome and indicate some underlying cause such as stress, medical disorders, and hair care techniques.
If you cover your hair with breathable fabric such as silk or satin, there is an unlikely probability of hair loss due to low hair friction with such fabrics. In fact, such fabrics prevent hair damage. But using other fabrics such as cotton or synthetic can cause more hair shedding as they trap hair moisture or heat, causing excessive sweating from the scalp.
The best way to sleep is to tie your hair low and loose in the form of a ponytail or braid. This type of hairstyle will not put pressure on your scalp.
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