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By far, we know that our gut health and overall internal health reflect on skin and hair. Certain hair problems are actually signaling towards a more serious internal health issue. Therefore, neglecting your hair fall, dandruff, brittle and dry hair is not a good idea.
To understand the link between your hair problems and overall health, Health Shots spoke to Asha Hariharan, hair expert, and education director, Enrich Beauty.
“Hair health often mirrors what goes on the inside of our body. Therefore, the need for proper nutrition and timely diagnosis of deficiencies and hormonal imbalances is crucial. Hair strands are majorly made of a protein called keratin while omega provides the luster to hair. Noshing on food rich in these nutrients is considered the first step for hair revival.” says Hariharan.
Have you ever taken a shower and been astounded by the amount of hair on the drain net? While it is normal for healthy hair to shed a few strands after washing, excessive shedding may indicate a more serious condition. Conditions such as iron and biotin deficiency, as well as other underlying hormonal issues could be blamed. However, over washing and excessive use of harsh products or heat tools may also cause extreme hair fall.
Lack of vitamin A in your body is the main culprit for hair looking like a haystack. Dry and breakage prone hair can be improved by noshing on fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A. Include flax seeds, leafy greens, broccoli, green peppers, strawberries, citrus fruit, and Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
“If your hair is too dry, a fresh cut may be your solution; split ends, even if your hair isn’t very long, can make it difficult to style and majorly contribute to feeling dry or coarse. Consult with your stylist or hair expert to have any unhealthy hair that is weighing down new hair growth removed.” says Hariharan.
While you’re there, ask the stylist if they have any recommendations for your hair type. They may suggest a new styling routine to keep your hair from becoming damaged. For thin and brittle hair avoid tying your hair tightly as they tend to weaken the tresses.
The foremost step when it comes to premature greying of hair is – protection against the sun. Always cover your hair with a hat or scarf when you’re outdoors. Apply hair darkening products such as amla hair oil and use a natural shampoo made with reetha. This will ensure that your hair does not lose its pigment.
Because of the lack of humidity in the air during the winter, the skin dries out faster, leading to dandruff. Infrequent hair washing can aggravate dandruff by causing an excess build-up of oil, dust, grime, and dead skin cells.
However, low zinc levels in blood, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) may also deteriorate the scalp and hair problems. “Nosh on fruits Boost your intake through fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains and cereals. You may also consider taking supplements such as zinc, flax seed oil, and selenium after consultation with your hair expert,” says Hariharan.
You can use a homemade hair mask for heat-damaged tresses that will act as a moisturizer for your scalp and hair too. It will also aid in restoring its natural shine and restore their luster. Irregular hair wash patterns can also cause damage to our scalp and cause hair problems to worsen.
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