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Make this potent black sesame seed and amla hair oil at home for long and strong hair

Provide your mane with the right nourishment with this home-made black sesame seed and amla oil which is the best oil for hair growth!
lemongrass tea
You can make a very effective hair growth oil right at home! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Grace Bains Updated: 22 Jan 2021, 10:32 am IST
  • 93

They say your mood depends on how much of a good hair day you’re having! Well, we all know that’s probably not far from the truth. When we have healthy, lustrous hair, we feel confident. On the other hand, issues like hair thinning and dandruff can often rob us of our confidence. It isn’t just a matter of appearance but an issue related to how we feel.

So, we use all sorts of products in an attempt to ward off common hair problems like hair fall, thinning, dandruff, split-ends and slow growth. But, we often forget to go back to the basics and use the traditional methods to keep our tresses healthy. Yes, we’re talking about using hair oil for hair growth. 

There’s a reason our grandmother and mothers swear by the good old champi! Massaging the scalp with hair oil made out of natural ingredients will help you combat so many hair troubles along with maintaining the health of your mane. Out of all the ingredients out there, amla and black sesame seeds are the most potent!

Amla is what your body needs. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
The benefits of using amla for hair

Don’t go by how small the Indian gooseberry or amla is because it is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals that nourish your tresses. It can work magic on your hair by:

  • Stopping hair fall, thanks to a high level of fatty acids that penetrate your hair follicles and strengthen them
  • Removing dandruff because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Combating hair fall with amino acids
  • Preventing premature greying due to the presence of antioxidants
The benefits of using black sesame seeds for hair

Black sesame seeds might be lesser known in the haircare world but have multiple benefits for our tresses. In fact, many say that black sesame seeds can turn around hair health. These seeds can improve your mane by:

  • Aiding hair growth due to the high level of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
  • Combating dryness and providing the tresses with moisturisation
  • Preventing split-ends by hydrating the hair
  • Adding shine to your locks

We thought that this definitely calls for adding these 2 ingredients to our hair oil! And if you want a healthy mane, take a look at this home-made hair oil for hair growth.

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amla powder benefits
Combat thinning and greying hair by using amla powder. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Hence, we’ve brought you the recipe for black sesame seed and amla hair oil for hair growth


1 cup olive oil or coconut oil
3 amlas
2 tsp black sesame seeds 


Step 1: Add black sesame seeds to the oil and let it stay overnight. This will allow the oil to absorb the goodness of the black sesame seeds.

Step 2: Grate the amla. You can even use a blender for this.

Step 3: Add the oil with black sesame seeds and the grated amla to a pan. 

Step 4: Heat this mixture on low heat for 2 minutes. You’ll notice that the ingredients are quick to loosen and mix.

Step 5: Wait for the mixture to cool down and add it to a blender. Blend all the ingredients together.

Step 6: Add the mixture to the pan again and heat on low flame for about 2 hours.

Step 7: Let it cool down a little. Now, wse a sieve to strain the mixture and you have your hair oil ready!

Apply the amla and black sesame seeds oil to your tresses at least once a week to see the results! You can also use jojoba oil or grapeseed oil as carrier oils in case coconut and olive oil don’t suit your scalp type. 

This DIY preparation is the best oil for hair growth! It will combat all your hair troubles and ensure your locks stay healthy!

  • 93
About the Author

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book. ...Read More

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