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Say NO to these 5 hair oils that can cause tress troubles

Hair oils are always considered essential for haircare, but these oils could damage your hair. Read on to know more!
hair oils side effects
It’s time to say goodbye to these 5 hair oils. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Geetika Sachdev
Updated On: 12 Jan 2024, 02:37 pm IST

A healthy and shiny mane attracts attention at the first glance. And if there’s one ‘secret’ that all hair experts swear by, it is hair oil. While hair oils are great for promoting haircare, there are some oils that can actually damage your hair.

So if are also wondering now which oils should not be mixed for hair and which are the best oils for hair, we got you! Health Shots asked Dr Jaishree Sharad, celebrity dermatologist, all about this, and here is what she had to say!

Hair oils that can damage your hair 

1. Mineral oil

Is mineral oil bad for hair? Well, It is true that this oil was once much in demand! Since it was earlier only available abroad, people would ask their near and dear ones to hoard these bottles. Well, this oil does possess a lot of magic, but there’s also a downside. It is often disguised as petroleum, white petroleum, paraffin, liquid paraffin, and paraffin wax. 

harmful hair oils
Mineral oil can cause more harm than good. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

“Mineral oil should not be applied on the scalp, because it causes a build-up on the strands of the hair and weighs it down, making it very flat and dull. It can also block pores, and cause acne and folliculitis on the scalp,” says Dr Sharad.  

2. Lemon oil

You may think of this hair oil as exotic, but ladies, do not use it for your tresses. That’s because this oil has high levels of acid, which contribute to its lightening and brightening properties. And if you continue to use it on your hair shaft, you may see it shrink. So, we request you to NOT use it at all, especially if you are someone who has hair fall issues. 

3. Camphor oil

Contrary to popular belief, camphor oil may not be the best oil for hair. There are so many times that a particular product is in vogue, but that doesn’t mean it has to work for everyone. This holds true when it comes to camphor oil. It causes your scalp to dry out, and also leads to acne and even fungal infections. 

Also, read: My mom says hair oiling will reduce my hair fall, but an expert says it’s not true

“A lot of people say camphor has great benefits for the scalp, but it can actually irritate the scalp and cause allergic reactions and rashes. So, it is not advisable to apply camphor oil,” adds Dr Sharad. 

So ladies, we suggest you completely avoid camphor oil!

4. Castor oil

Last but not the least, castor oil is another oil that must be avoided, even though the beauty and hair world seems to swear by its benefits. The problem with using this oil on your strands is that it causes acute hair felting that further leads to frizzy hair and more entanglement. So you know by now that this needs to be avoided!

harmful hair oils
Castor hair oil is not completey safe. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Coconut oil

Wondering is coconut oil good for your hair?Coconut oil and essential oils nourish the scalp, and condition the hair strands but there is not enough evidence to prove that they cause hair growth,” says Dr Sharad. 

In certain cases, it also causes protein buildup and prevents moisturization of the scalp. This makes your hair dry and stiff, and that means you could end up with hair fall too. 

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Geetika Sachdev
Geetika Sachdev

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town.

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