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Use mustard oil for its 5 benefits and get the hair of your dreams in no time

Mustard oil for hair is an all-rounder and that’s why we love it so much! Massage it well on your scalp and all over your hair, and nothing will stop you from achieving the locks of your dreams.
mustard oil for teeth
Mustard oil combined with salt will take away all your dental woes! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Geetika Sachdev Published: 25 May 2021, 05:22 pm IST
  • 79

Mustard oil or sarson ka tel really needs no introduction in an Indian household. Whether you want to whip up delicious delicacies or massage your body, it is the go-to oil for everything. But did you know it can also help you get long and lovely tresses? 

Yes, it’s true. This oil is loaded with a host of benefits that makes it ideal to apply it on your hair. Not only does it strengthen hair roots, but also nourishes your skin. We’ll get to all of that later, because we can’t wait to try it out and grow our locks long and thick! What’s more, it helps to deep condition your hair, fights dandruff and also controls premature greying. Is there anything else one needs?

So, all set to find out more about the benefits of using mustard oil for hair.  

1. Prevents hair loss

If you are worried about losing your hair every now and then, think no further than mustard oil. It helps with its numerous benefits for your hair and scalp. That’s because it contains a potent mixture of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and at the same time, is also enriched with vitamin E. It is also packed with zinc, beta-carotene, and selenium that makes it even more potent. The more you apply, the more you will see its wonders!

2. Works like a natural conditioner

Packed with alpha fatty acids, mustard oil helps to hydrate your hair and keeps your hair healthy and fresh! You can very well use it as a natural conditioner, so that your tresses are soft, silky and lustrous in every way possible. When your hair is well-conditioned and hydrated, you can stay away from premature greying.

mustard oil for hair
Add mustard oil to your hair care routine for healthy and long tresses. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
3. Nourishes the hair

We live in times when we are always hustling, which means we often forget to pay attention to the health of our tresses. Mustard oil contains both protein and omega 3 fatty acids in abundance, which means it can protect your scalp and hair from almost every possible hair concern. So, heat some mustard oil and apply it well on your scalp and hair.

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4. Boosts blood circulation

There are several hair experts that have revealed that hair fall and thinning is largely due to undernourished roots. In case you want your tresses to come back to life, use mustard oil to massage your hair. Research suggests that it is a natural stimulant, and that’s exactly why it helps blood circulation. Heat the oil with some cloves and massage gently using your fingertips. Do this at least twice a week.

5. Tackles dandruff

Since mustard oil is rich in antioxidants, using it regularly can help to eliminate dandruff in more ways than one. Massage it well into your scalp to reduce scalp conditions like yeast growth. acne or pimples.

So ladies, fret not. Use mustard oil for hair twice a week and you’re good to go!

  • 79
About the Author

An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town. ...Read More

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